I’ve identified some actions through the day that don’t add any value. I’ve decided to remove them, instead of swapping them for other actions or add more to my routine. If something unexpected pops up: input>process>finish. That’s it.
I’ve heard once that the ultimate goal of every human being is to find inner peace, and I agree. If you really think about it, most of the actions taken by us are in search for inner peace. You chase money, because you cannot be at peace if you don’t have money (bills, unexpected events, etc…). You take care of your body and nutrition, because you are not at peace when you are sick. Paradoxically, you cannot be at peace if you are always looking for something.
It requires balance. Maintaining balance requires finesse, and it’s easier to balance a scale with fewer weights. Therefore, I’ll remove everything that doesn’t serve me and keep only what’s necessary.