Started journaling on March 4, 2024, to track my personal growth. Aiming to become the person I admire, sharing not just the outcome but also the process. You’re reading the journey.

Latest posts

  • Polyphasic sleep

    Trying for the first day. Woke up at 330. Feels good and will do again.

    Read more: Polyphasic sleep
  • Making the Most of a Busy Saturday

    Today is one of those Saturdays where the line between weekdays and weekends blurs—a bustling workday! Despite it being the weekend, my to-do list is just as long (if not longer) than on a regular weekday. But, no matter how hectic things get, I’ve learned the importance of pausing to reflect and share. Documenting my…

    Read more: Making the Most of a Busy Saturday
  • Why Education Matters

    There’s a troubling narrative spreading among some young people online, suggesting that traditional education doesn’t lead to financial success and is essentially obsolete. As someone who earned a degree in my forties, I have experienced life both with and without formal education, and I can affirm that studying is far from useless. Before my degree,…

    Read more: Why Education Matters
  • Why I Write This Blog?

    Welcome back to my space, where I navigate the intersection of habit, self-reflection, and progress documentation. This isn’t my first post, but it’s an important one because it lays bare the reasons behind my commitment to this blog. Writing here is a daily practice for me, a ritual that isn’t always easy or desirable, yet…

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  • Backsteps

    I am trying not to take backsteps. Backsteps when you don’t feel 100%. Backsteps on holidays. It is a lot of lost progress.

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  • Leaving my 9 to 5 job

    It is only few more weeks until I leave my 9 to 5 job to pursue some personal targets. I’ve got a license to operate two businesses on my own and I am ready to kill it. I am aiming to pour in these businesses the know how aquired in 26 years working on different…

    Read more: Leaving my 9 to 5 job
  • What is your intention today?

    I am trying to find what my intention is for the day. What is my real intention? Probably that’s how I will operate.

    Read more: What is your intention today?
  • Keep your habits right

    As soon as I start to fail in my habits, I can feel how some kind of discomfort shows up. It can be digestive, joint pains, mind discomfort. That is why I wake up early, stretch, meditate and nurture myself with a healthy breakfast. I try to keep both my body and my mind right…

    Read more: Keep your habits right
  • Go a bit further

    Today put a bit more weight at the gym, eat a bit more healthy, meditate 5 more minutes, walk one more km, go a bit further.

    Read more: Go a bit further
  • Have a wonderful day

    Whatever that means to you. A wonderful day for me consists on waking up early, meditate, have a healthy breakfast and a killer workout. After that I can just study and work for hours enjoying what I do. I choose to relax in the evening and have valuable family time that always feels amazing when…

    Read more: Have a wonderful day